San Diego As Seattle

a: San diego ~
b: Seattle

What: I grew up, somewhat, in San Diego. Several friends moved from here to Seattle for graduate school. Visiting there reminded me of San Diego on several levels. Both cities are nice places to live. There is plenty of natural fun to be had in both; San Diego has an abundance of beaches. The Seattle area has endless supply of mountains and ocean activities. Also, both are border cities. San Diego has Mexico to the south and Seattle has Canada to the north. Although, the cultural contrast is much higher in San Diego. Both cities have well developed downtowns adjacent to large busy bays. And finally, both cities have a huge navy presence. San Diego is the headquarters for the Pacific Fleet and Seattle has a large submarine base as well as a surface ship port. A good description for both would be "cosmopolitan border cites."

Writer: LucyG
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 28 2012 2:09 PM

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